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Unreal Engine: Troubleshooting Player Vehicle Replication Jitter
·318 words·2 mins
Development Programming Unreal
This is a short little troubleshooting guide that I wish existed anywhere late last year. This small, stupid bug cost me weeks of grief and the fix was embarrassingly simple.
func_luxe - Import TrenchBroom maps into luxe!
·835 words·4 mins
Development Luxe Func_luxe
A module for the luxe engine that allows you to import your TrenchBroom maps as prototype objects that can be placed into scenes!


Creating Player Characters Inside Centrifuge Spacecraft
·1422 words·7 mins
Development Programming Unity
Dave Bowman does routine checks inside Discovery One Ever since I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, I’ve always wanted to walk around inside of an artificial gravity environment just like the bureaucrats making small-talk on Space Station 5, or Dave and Frank doing their work inside the Discovery One.
Cool Game Dev Finds #2
·882 words·5 mins
Well, over the last couple of months, I’ve found myself with a lot of extra time on my hands, even while juggling a few different projects. And there’s been a lot of excellent tools and resources that have crossed my way since the last batch that are worth mentioning!
Cool Game Dev Finds #1
·779 words·4 mins
Every week, I run into interesting tools and resources that seem (at least tangentially) related or useful for game developers. For a long while, I’ve just kept a rolling list of bookmarked posts on Mastodon and stuff, hoping I don’t lose the links, but hang on I have a blog.
Switching to Linux as a Game Developer
··2073 words·10 mins
Development Linux
I recently found that modern Linux distros are actually up to speed for almost all game development tasks and also gaming! Some notes on my experience transitioning.


A Case Study in Bullet Journaling
·760 words·4 mins
Some notes on bullet journaling, how it’s helped me organize and support my shoddy memory, and how I’ve modified the base system.


Games That Impacted Me in 2016
·1631 words·8 mins
Since the Steam Winter Sale is going on, now’s probably a good time to talk about the games that really had an impact on me this year.